Alongside Support Services

Insignia goes the extra mile with our comprehensive alongside support services, encompassing:

1. Provision of Fresh Water:

We ensure a continuous supply of fresh water for your vessel's needs, contributing to seamless operations. Fresh water is supplied by road tanker, barge, or shore connection, depending on availability at the berth. A microbiological test certificate can be provided upon request.

2. Sewage and Greywater Removal and Disposal:

We efficiently manage the collection, holding, and transfer (CHT) of sewage and greywater, adhering to environmental standards. Services are available by road tanker or barge, depending on the quantity and location of discharge. Our team collaborates closely with clients to analyze and meet their specific requirements.

3. Bilge Water Removal:

With our expertise, bilge water is effectively removed, promoting a clean and sustainable maritime environment. Services are available by road tanker or barge, depending on the quantity and location of discharge. Our team collaborates closely with clients to analyze and meet their specific requirements.

4. Oily Waste Removal (Liquid):

We manage the responsible disposal of oily waste liquids, also known as "sludge," ensuring environmental compliance. Services are available by road tanker or barge, depending on the quantity and location of discharge. Our team collaborates closely with clients to analyze and meet their specific requirements.

5. Waste Removal:

From general waste to specific types, our waste removal services cover a range of materials:

Recyclable Waste: Emphasizing eco-friendliness, we handle recyclable waste items efficiently, adhering to environmental standards.

Food Waste: Proper disposal of food waste is ensured, in compliance with local regulations and environmental standards.

International Catering Waste (ICW): We manage catering waste to meet international standards and environmental regulations.

6. Hazardous Waste Removal:

Safety is paramount. Our services extend to the proper disposal of hazardous waste items like oily rags, fuel filters, and air filters.

7. Metal Waste Removal:

Even metal waste is handled with precision. We contribute to responsible disposal and recycling efforts.

8. Pallet Waste:

Waste minimization is a priority. Our disposal solutions extend to pallet waste, contributing to efficient operations.

9. Medical Waste:

In compliance with regulations, medical waste is managed in a way that ensures safety and environmental responsibility.

At Insignia, our alongside support services are designed to enhance your maritime experience, offering solutions that prioritise efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability.

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